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recruitment specialists

Support London’s Built Environment Sector, Government Urged

6 Nov 2017

Design and construction professionals in London contribute a significant amount to the city’s GDP and to the UK’s performance in these industries as well. That’s the finding of a new report from New London Architecture (NLA), with Construction Manager Magazine highlighting the key recommendations to come out of the document. Among them is to ensure […]

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Recruiters Biases Could Lead To Descrimination

7 Oct 2017

Personal hygiene issues are the most common reason recruitment specialists may turn someone down for a job, a poll carried out recently found. The top ten reasons why a recruiter may turn someone down for a job were revealed by digital recruitment platform SomeoneWho. The top ten reasons to turn someone down included:   Poor personal hygiene […]

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National Work Life Week: October 2nd-6th 2017

6 Oct 2017

Striking a good balance between work and the rest of your life is the key to staying happy but no doubt there are many of you out there who do struggle to ensure that their home life is given as much focus as their career. With National Work Life Week just starting today (October 2nd) […]

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Employment Tribunal Fees Scrapped

16 Aug 2017

Recruitment specialists should be aware of the recent victory by trade union Unison in successfully getting tribunal fees scrapped. The union had been fighting the decision to introduce fees for employees who wished to take their employers to a tribunal, for a number of years since they were first introduced in 2013. The union had […]

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Interview Discrimination: Have You Experienced It?

27 Jul 2017

Almost one in four British job seekers claim to have experienced interview discrimination, a new survey has revealed. OnRec reported on the research by CV-Library, which questioned 1,200 workers and found that 22 per cent believe they have been discriminated against during an interview. Of those, almost 40 per cent thought it was down to […]

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Is Your Company Ready For An Office Dog?

21 Jul 2017

Offering various perks to employees is one of the best ways of bringing in and retaining the top talent, no matter what field you’re in… and interestingly, having an office dog could be one of the best ways to attract and retain the best in your industry. After all, who wouldn’t want a little canine […]

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Come Across Well With These Body Language Tips

15 Jun 2017

When you are visiting recruitment specialists you can get lots of tips on how to best present your CV and promote yourself in interview, but have you considered your body language? They say that you will have got the job in the first three seconds of entering an interview, so body language is an important […]

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