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Hardball Your Recruitment Techniques

7 Nov 2017

Search and selection recruitment is ideal for any industry where you have a dearth of suitable applicants. This means that any of the applicants who you do get to interview will be people you are seriously interested in. Though this is an enviable position to be in, you will also potentially face the problem of […]

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Support London’s Built Environment Sector, Government Urged

6 Nov 2017

Design and construction professionals in London contribute a significant amount to the city’s GDP and to the UK’s performance in these industries as well. That’s the finding of a new report from New London Architecture (NLA), with Construction Manager Magazine highlighting the key recommendations to come out of the document. Among them is to ensure […]

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Biggest Career Regrets Revealed!

6 Nov 2017

It can be difficult deciding on the right route to take in terms of jobs – so it’s no surprise to hear that many Brits do have regrets about their chosen career path. New research from CV Library, reported on by Smallbusiness.co.uk, has found that 75.7 per cent of people in the UK would actually […]

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Are You Happy With Your Career?

24 Oct 2017

When you’ve invested the time in going to university, or have been working your way up on a particular career path for a number of years, the thought of changing tack can be scary. But new research has found that one in five of us are unhappy in our current careers. A survey conducted by […]

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Are Young People’s Jobs Most At Risk From Automation?

17 Oct 2017

Research released by PwC shows the scale of automation expected in the UK economy and highlights which jobs are most at risk from these advances in technology. According to the organisation, up to 28 per cent of young workers’ jobs in the UK could be at risk from automation in the coming 15 years, which […]

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Recruiters Biases Could Lead To Descrimination

7 Oct 2017

Personal hygiene issues are the most common reason recruitment specialists may turn someone down for a job, a poll carried out recently found. The top ten reasons why a recruiter may turn someone down for a job were revealed by digital recruitment platform SomeoneWho. The top ten reasons to turn someone down included:   Poor personal hygiene […]

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National Work Life Week: October 2nd-6th 2017

6 Oct 2017

Striking a good balance between work and the rest of your life is the key to staying happy but no doubt there are many of you out there who do struggle to ensure that their home life is given as much focus as their career. With National Work Life Week just starting today (October 2nd) […]

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Employers ‘Resilient’ Despite Economy Fears

26 Sep 2017

Employers are showing resilience in the face of a potentially declining economy and staff shortages in areas like health and construction, a recruitment expert has said. A third of employers are concerned that economic conditions in the UK are getting worse, according to the results of the latest JobsOutlook survey by the Recruitment & Employment […]

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UK Facing Growing Digital Skills Gap

24 Sep 2017

Whether you’re applying for FMCG jobs or printing jobs, in today’s world you’ll need to have at least some basic digital skills. However, new research by Barclays has found that 43 per cent of people in the UK don’t have the digital skills required by most jobs. What’s more, the survey revealed that by improving […]

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UK Manufacturers Planning To Boost Staff Numbers

19 Sep 2017

More than half of the manufacturing and engineering firms questioned as part of the annual MHA Manufacturing and Engineering Report 2017/18 plan to hire new staff in the coming year. 57 per cent of the businesses who took part in the survey said they intend to employ new staff in the next 12 months, a […]

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